Answering the Great Question- Petri Dish Foundation

Our story involves understanding the need for a Scientific Reformation. A reform movement that assists those teaching of science around the world will help the human race come to have a better understanding of fundamental truths. It will begin with understanding the inherent nature of ruling bureaucratic hierarchies that are dominating education at the K-12 levels, as well as in higher education. Ruling bureaucrats governing the teaching of science are repeating unmistakable patterns of stubborn behavior exhibited by predecessors that control education throughout human history. Acting as self-appointed gatekeepers of the truth, the ruling hierarchies governing peer reviews of published scientific papers have acquired substantial power, wealth, and social status. The fruits of domination are substantial to the point that the process of ”peer review” that is associated with the ”publish or perish” model at the top of the science food chain, has been corrupted. Fundamental truths are now being drowned out and replaced by diversions, detours, and dead ends that are far too often destroying the ability of faculties, students, and the rest of society to separate facts from illusions. All curious people seeking Answers to the Great Question are being offered half-truths without mathematical corroborations.

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Friday Sep 13, 2024

Part 11 makes extensive use of Dallas Willard’s book, The Divine Conspiracy, in this segment Jim connects the dots on the previous ten segments. The implications of layer after layer of sweeping evidence are discussed in terms of what should be done by individuals seeking Answers to the Great Question. Observations on Consumer Christians are examined along with some of the traps of superficially conceding the Jesus was who He says He was, without understanding how to process information regarding what Jesus taught were the TWO MOST IMPORTANT COMMANDMENTS.

Friday Sep 13, 2024

Part 10 begins with the recognition of a phrase coined by the late great Dr. Dallas Willard of the University of Southern California. According to Dr. Willard, "The Great Transition," is the period one enters immediately after one recognizes he or she has the freedom to choose their own teacher. The stunning contrasts between the teachings of Machiavelli and Jesus, including the examination of concepts such as “inclusion, anger, contempt, and condemnation," are explored in this segment. Additionally, the evidentiary results of a double-blind controlled scientific study confirming the efficacy of prayer are examined. Context is provided that ties biased policies at higher education institutions, to their curious accommodations provided to other powerful bureaucracies, resulting in the diversion of research funding away from additional studies of prayer.

Thursday Sep 12, 2024

Part 9 provides more powerful evidence supporting the troubling theme of the entire series. In this segment, the number of higher education perpetrators expands geometrically. The segment begins with an examination of an announcement by the NCAA, of an astonishing $2.8 billion settlement offer made in May of 2024 to compensate more than 14,000 student damage claims. This segment also explores a broad array of deceptive practices by higher education institutions related to their sports marketing and entertainment businesses,  providing indisputable evidence of obvious choices that involve blatant mission abandonment to pursue profits at the expense of tens of thousands of students.

Part 8 - Who is your teacher?

Thursday Sep 12, 2024

Thursday Sep 12, 2024

Part 8 puts Harvard University under the integrity microscope. Eyewitnesses in this segment include Derek Bok who served as president of Harvard University for 20 years (1971 – 1991) and faculty member Dr. Robert Coles who was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Clinton in 1998. This segment provides chilling details of how the highest profile institution of learning in the world has abandoned its primary mission, resulting in the exponential growth of academic fraud incidents within the university and its teaching hospital, the Dana-Farber Medical Institute.

Monday Sep 09, 2024

Part 7 explores the overwhelming evidence that distinguishes teachers from educational institutions. The patterns of “mission abandonment” by institutions controlling education systems throughout human history are laid bare, including the fundamental tendency of ruling bureaucracies to selectively obscure the findings of mankind’s greatest scientists. We also highlight the profound influence of Machiavelli’ principles for power, wealth, and social status retention embraced by these institutions as evidenced by the exponential increase in outright fraud at esteemed universities like Harvard and Stanford.

Wednesday May 22, 2024

Part 6 answers an important student question and also employs basic logic to expose the inherent dangers of “OUTSOURCING” fact-finding processes to scandal-plagued bureaucracies in efforts to Answer the Great Question. Given the obvious abandonment of primary missions by self-appointed, “gatekeepers of the truth,” the film encourages independent critical thinking.
Answering the Great Question offers viewers compelling must-see content. It can be seen on our new website:

Part 5 - Why Mathematics Matter

Wednesday May 22, 2024

Wednesday May 22, 2024

Part 5 illustrates how mathematics is being selectively applied as if it were a retractable tool. Only some mathematical illustrations are useful to ruling bureaucracies. And layer after layer of evidence suggests that contradictory mathematical realities are frequently withheld from presentations of implausible theories that bureaucracies want to “appear” to be plausible. This segment illustrates how hiding basic mathematics related to the fundamental nature of DNA is plaguing peer review processes in the “publish or perish” models, to the point of mandating the commission of fraud. This explains why there has been ZERO progress on Origin of Life research for 70 years and counting.

Part 4 - The Theological Evidence

Wednesday May 22, 2024

Wednesday May 22, 2024

Part 4 shifts gears with thorough attention paid to theological evidence trails. Part 4 includes an abundance of relevant facts from controlled studies by behavioral scientists that are entirely relevant, due to their direct connections to efforts to Answer the Great Question. 

Tuesday May 21, 2024

Part 3 explores the sweeping implications to Answering the Great Question with the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics award for work on Quantum Entanglement. Revealing statements by the Nobel Committee itself of the presence of “philosophical issues” are thoroughly dissected.

Monday May 20, 2024

Part 2 examines the eruption of academic scandals over the last two decades including more than 10,000 retractions of “peer reviewed” scientific papers by scientific journals in 2023 alone. This amounts to more than 27 papers per day, 365 days a year being published as valid “science,” only to be withdrawn after independent investigations by third parties exposed fraudulent data gathering processes.


Petri Dish Foundation

Jim and Kristi Spence are the founders of Petri Dish Foundation. Kristi is a retired accountant and business owner and Jim retired from a 38 year career in the investment industry. The Spences have two grown children and three grandchildren. Petri Dish Foundation supports institutions engaged in delivering high quality educational services based on science, mathematics, and fundamental truths.

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